Monday, December 29, 2008

turn my head down a moment..

I was fooling around when I received a message from a friend of mine..

"Let us give Al-FAtihah to our fellow Palestinian that involved in the war.. This is the minimum that we can do for them.."

I forgot that the war between Israel & Palestine was once again burst - this time the Israel attacking the Palestinian on New Year of Hijriah - that's an insult.. How come the rest can celebrate & pray for peace in New Year, but not for Palestinian..?

I'm not a good critics.. & I do hope for the world to stay in peace - but wish, is just a wish after all.. (it will come true, but in the right time..)

All I can say, let us, muslims give some time to think about our fellow in Palestine, maybe also the other part of the world, & give them Al-Fatihah...

(Only Allah SWT knows exactly what with this world..)

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Snake bite

oh my, it's been a while i didn't write here.. (I'm not fond of writing anyway..)

This time, I wish to tell some pranks on Snake Bite (have i wrote this before? or is it DeJaVu..?!)

snake bite at hand
Snake bite on arm

Snake Bite can only happen when a snake bite (of course, silly me!) - but some snakes need not to do so - they might as well spit their venom direct to the prey's eyes, or just attack by wrapped the prey (like phyton (ular sawa) did).

According to what i understand (as a really stupid student), snake venom, depend on their type, has several effects to human

  • Unstoppable bleeding at biting site[normal bleeding for human no matter how big their 'scratch' is around 1-9 minutes (check your doctor for more info)], - the venom either block or activate several components responsible for stopping the bleeding
  • Weak - the venom spread out to whole body using blood system as their transport, then they block signals coming from the 'wiring' (neurons) that connect to muscles in body - specificly, the junction between muscle & end wire (known as neuromuscular junction). Untreated venom can cause paralysis. Even worse, death due to neuron death in brain (really?!)
  • blurred vision - also happen when the venom 'travel' to eye blood vessels - they blocked the signal coming from eye's nerve slowly
  • low blood pressure - lesser pumping force from heart because heart's electricity is also slowly blocked by venom
  • drowsiness

Most of hospital or clinics may have the suitable venom to treat the snake bite patients. If found a 'lucky' person being bitten by a snake & he become unconscious in seconds, don't waste time killing the snake - life saving comes first..

type of snakes from
Types of snakes found / known at least

I really lost a lot of info to write here - i'll try to update this again anytime..

sorry for borrowing the picture without permission. :(

Friday, November 7, 2008

mangkuk, madu, & rambut

Mangkuk yang Cantik, Madu dan Sehelai Rambut

Rasulullah SAW, dengan sahabat-sahabatnya Abakar r.a., Umar r.a., Utsman r.a., dan 'Ali r.a., bertamu ke rumah Ali r.a. Di rumah Ali r.a. istrinya Sayidatina Fathimah r.ha. putri Rasulullah SAW menghidangkan untuk mereka madu yang diletakkan di dalam sebuah mangkuk yang cantik, dan ketika semangkuk madu itu dihidangkan sehelai rambut terikut di dalam mangkuk itu. Baginda Rasulullah SAW kemudian meminta kesemua sahabatnya untuk membuat suatu perbandingan terhadap ketiga benda tersebut (Mangkuk yang cantik, madu, dan sehelai rambut).

Abubakar r.a. berkata, "iman itu lebih cantik dari mangkuk yang cantik ini, orang yang beriman itu lebih manis dari madu, dan mempertahankan iman itu lebih susah dari meniti sehelai rambut".

Umar r.a. berkata, "kerajaan itu lebih cantik dari mangkuk yang cantik ini, seorang raja itu lebih manis dari madu, dan memerintah dengan adil itu lebih sulit dari meniti sehelai rambut".

Utsman r.a. berkata, "ilmu itu lebih cantik dari mangkuk yang cantik ini, orang yang menuntut ilmu itu lebih manis dari madu, dan ber'amal dengan ilmu yang dimiliki itu lebih sulit dari meniti sehelai rambut".

'Ali r.a. berkata, "tamu itu lebih cantik dari mangkuk yang cantik ini, menjamu tamu itu lebih manis dari madu, dan membuat tamu senang sampai kembali pulang ke rumanya adalah lebih sulit dari meniti sehelai rambut".

Fatimah r.ha.berkata, "seorang wanita itu lebih cantik dari sebuah mangkuk yang cantik, wanita yang ber-purdah itu lebih manis dari madu, dan mendapatkan seorang wanita yangtak pernah dilihat orang lain kecuali muhrimnya lebih sulit dari meniti sehelai rambut".

Rasulullah SAW berkata, "seorang yang mendapat taufiq untuk ber'amal adalah lebih cantik dari mangkuk yang cantik ini, ber'amal dengan 'amal yang baik itu lebih manis dari madu, dan berbuat 'amal dengan ikhlas adalah lebih sulit dari meniti sehelai rambut".

Malaikat Jibril AS berkata, "menegakkan pilar-pilar agama itu lebih cantik dari sebuah mangkuk yang cantik, menyerahkan diri; harta; dan waktu untuk usaha agama lebih manis dari madu, dan mempertahankan usaha agama sampai akhir hayat lebih sulit dari meniti sehelai rambut".

Allah SWT berfirman, " Sorga-Ku itu lebih cantik dari mangkuk yang cantik itu, nikmat sorga-Ku itu lebih manis dari madu, dan jalan menuju sorga-Ku adalah lebih sulit dari meniti sehelai rambut".

Thursday, October 30, 2008


I remember reading news in Utusan Malaysia about a baby whale found lost at Kuala Sungai Menasi, Pekan, Pahang on 13 Oct this year. Never expected such case can happen in Malaysia sea shore - it does happen in several countries though. At first, the animal department (is it? or the fishinary department?) & the fisherman around there managed returning it to the sea. Sadly, it was found again, this time, dead, 2 days later.. T-T. From what I understand, the death was assumed due to injury on its head (maybe it hit big coral somewhere around there when it was returned to the sea), & food indigestion - plastic bottles, ropes was found in it's stomach after undergo 'postmortem surgery'..

I was inform from the news that it was the baby Fin, 10 m long, weighs around 2 tan.

comparing fin whale with human..

I was dragged to write little bit about this animal.

This whale was known to be the 2nd largest after the blue whale (the largest animal ever found). It migrate (like any other whale), & Pasific Ocean was one of the route they take to migrate.

this is how it eats

i'm not the expert of the whale, but i think these sites will give some of this fellow:

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Phlegmone a.k.a. Ludwig angina

This time I’m gonna blabber little about mouth

It has a space, filled with lots of components –

· Air- the gases (O2, CO2, & the rest)

· Liquid, - the saliva

· Solids – all the mouth’s main component – teeth, cheek, gum, tongue, palate, even the microbes!

Mature permanent teeth
Mature permanent teeth

These are some of microbes found in our mouth – found especially at teeth, gum, & surrounding:

· Bacterias

Gram (+)

· Streptococcus

· S. mutans

· S. salivarius; S. vestibularis

· S. constellates; S. anginus

· S. mitis; S. sanguis; S. gordonii; S.oralis; S.crista

· Peptococcus anaerobius; Peptococcus micros

· Stomacoccus

· S. mucilagenous

Bacteria that form the plaque on the teeth's or gum's surface.

Even microbes need food (the leftover stuck at between teeth- especially food that rich with sucrose) & shelter (that is the tooth & the environment) to live. IF their food is way much more than enough, then the population will grow, causing more space to be used, & much more waste produce – the ‘waste’of the microbs causing the tooth involve become erode because it is acidic. The acidic waste also killed most of the normal flora, & let the new population (the one which can stand in acidic condition) to grow & dominate.

Condition that need to be fullfill in order to form plaque at the teeth.

The more the tooth were left untreated, the bigger the hole at the tooth, & the bigger the hole, the deeper the microbes can invade the tooth. The invasion will create pus within the area of invasion

At the same time, the tooth itself actually do trying it best to regrow by undergoing the recalcification process (process of building the tooth's structure). Anyway, the decalcification process (process of destroying the tooth's structure) overcome the recalcification process. That is why there's a white chalky thing within the destroid tooth.

Route used by microbes to invade the periapical & pulp
Route used by microbes to invade the periapical & pulp

To makes things worse, the pus may spread into the jaw's environment (depend on which tooth was invaded). The outspread invasion occurs when one's teeth hygienes is really bad (either he/she cannot afford to buy a toothpaste, or really is a 24 hrs-sugar eater).

At this rate, the person might show up with thick skin & bloated, red, painful cheek & to wider spread - neck. The spit fluid difficult to be swallowed because the neck is painful when swallowing - so the spit end up drooling out of mouth. These signs show the phlegmone a.k.a Ludwig Angina. The worst outcome of phlegmone is death due to breathing difficulty (since the neck part were badly inflammed, & cause lots of fluid formed, & accumulate at airway part (at neck)).

Pictures - Essentials Microbiology for Dentistry, Samaranayake, 3rd ed.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

little bit on cleft palate

for me, it is a miracle - single cell become double, double become quadruplet, & so forth.. Then, the cells will transform themself according to the signal they received from the place they gather, into somepart that we have by now.. but if the signal is different signal, they will produce different 'product' - & depend - wether this product does not really bother the rest, or it is really troublesome for the life..

I'm blabbering about mouth-nose part - these part were form from pharyngeal arches (1st & 2nd part).. (I know this statement is incorrect, help yourself by finding the fact about cleft palate in Ear-Nose-Throat problem :p)

(reader: what a lazy, lame writer!)

cleft palate - type
Patients with clefts: (A) incomplete unilateral cleft of the lip, (B) unilateral cleft of the lip, alveolus, and palate, (C) bilateral cleft of the lip, alveolus, and palate, (D) isolated (median) cleft palate.

Cleft palate - problem with nose & mouth's ceiling (palate) formation.

This kind of malformation might disturbing - food (especially fluid type) might enter the wrong place, causing problem with the nose part. (eventhough nose & mouth actually share in a same tunnel at first, called pharynx) but will separate again - larynx for breathing, & esophagus for eating & drinking. Also, it might be disturbing for speech - especially the type where the palate is totally or partially not form..
but not to worry, the earlier it is detected, the better it can be handled to repair to normal condition. (but that does not mean if it is in children or adult, it cannot be repaired - it still can, but the process of the bone to reform will take longer - is it?)

How does it happen? It can be from many causes; the real how-it-happen is still in research. But for now, it can be started with the mum's pregnancy - maybe she consumes drugs (antibiotics, anti emetic (anti-vomiting)) or goes unhealthy diets (hunger...). Drugs or any substances that can cause baby in imperfect physically is called 'teratogen'.

Friday, September 26, 2008

skin & microbes

What would I'll be babbling this time...?

Still small bit of skin - some, but not all know that our skin also has it's own living thing - I might guess those who read this will first think out lices, mites >.almost correct, but not these giants - they are smaller. They take care of our skin in their own ways.

Without them, our skin could having problem being attacked by other 'invaders'.

Also, if their population is overload could also bring to problem - they invade us instead, causing fever, or worst, death (yes, I mean it - doctors will called it as 'shock' due to a bacteria colony called "Staphylococcus aureus".. ( reader: is this fact has something wrong with the content?! ). Easy example is acne - it is found out that a colony called Propionibacterium acne contribute to acne formation. Acne actually created from white head pimple.

In normal skin (including palm (tapak tangan), soles (tapak kaki), & scalp (kepala)), there'sStaphylococcus epidermidis, Propionibacterium, Peptococcus, & even yeast called Candida albican(actually there's several of them, but I guess lots of website can inform better). They have different living area - some really on the surface, some even in the skin.

Before that, colony here is equal to race in human being. While human has many kinds of races, so do microbs.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

too little on carcinoma...?

uah... now comes to case on carcinoma. There are specific part of body, with specific environment, will 'nourish' the cancer cell to grow. How?
Cell growth actually has it's limit. When the cell is not in perfect condition, the cell itself will burst itself with the command from it's inner self (the nucleus). If the inner self was destroid/modified/imperfect, the cell cannot kill itself, & has to go on. It will contribute to make more imperfect cells, causing the structure seen with naked eye become imperfect (either there's a lump, blackened,..).

will continue later. Kinda tired..

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


It's been a while I'm out of ideas what to write.

Didn't realise that skin is actually the biggest organ in human body. It can protect from 'enemies' as small as the virus to as big as an elephant(>.uhm, not only that the skin itself is the physical barrier, it also has it's own soldier (known as Langerhan cells), & soldier in disguise (the keratinocyte, which made out our skin also make a substance that involve in skin protection) (hah?!)

But the skin has it's limit.. It cannot hold on (like iron man or superman) external injuries that will kill the cells of skin, such as fire.. This is where burn injury comes in. Just like burning the paper, skin will also become black! But skin has it's own programme to regenerate. It's not an easy job, though - first it has to recruit all unit of developer & not all developer can attend at the same time. Some need to be call using 2nd messenger, some need to undergo severel procedure, ... Those who arrive first will gather themself & done their work - 'piling', 'knitting', 'building the pillar', 'make the cement', 'stack the bricks'. Depend on the depth & area of damage, it takes time to complete the temporary skin. If the damage area are not so deep, the skin cells will able to make a new skin & replace the area like nothing is happen. But if the area was quite large, & really deep & heavy damage, the skin cell still replace it but the effect is still there.. we know it as 'scar'..

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

fall... rise...?

when this one mention, the first thing in my crazy mind at this time is love (cinta).. cinta monyet, jatuh cinta (fall in love), cinta sejati, & so forth.. this word can never be escape in our life (that' s for sure). I realise that I am not really good in this thing - proof? i almost make my mum miserable, make my life miserable, never trust even my closest friend, envy everyone around me, ... I remember something from my guru sayings - Love actually make the person involve to become a better persons, because they share & make the dream become true together.. take for example our own parent & we as their child. The parent love their child to have better life than theirs, so they sent their child to school (or maybe some even take some of their free time to teach their child) to learn about world around them..
what else about fall..
ah, failures! I felt very painful when this word come to exist in my life.. I also become so scared.. I become really afraid to return home if I brought this word with me.. (i guess that's some of the reason of suicide cases)

Sun rise in the east? (ha, ha)
All for the money, la,la,la ....All rise (Blue - All Rise) :p

fall... rise...?

when this one mention, the first thing in my crazy mind at this time is love (cinta).. cinta monyet, jatuh cinta (fall in love), cinta sejati, & so forth.. this word can never be escape in our life (that' s for sure). I realise that I am not really good in this thing - proof? i almost make my mum miserable, make my life miserable, never trust even my closest friend, envy everyone around me, ... I remember something from my guru sayings - Love actually make the person involve to become a better persons, because they share & make the dream become true together.. take for example our own parent & we as their child. The parent love their child to have better life than theirs, so they sent their child to school (or maybe some even take some of their free time to teach their child) to learn about world around them..
what else about fall..
ah, failures! I felt very painful when this word come to exist in my life.. I also become so scared.. I become really afraid to return home if I brought this word with me.. (i guess that's some of the reason of suicide cases)
Sun rise in the east? (ha, ha)
All for the money, la,la,la ....All rise (Blue - All Rise) :p

Saturday, July 26, 2008


uhm, this time is water ('mizu' in nippon, right?)

I kinda attracted to Masaru Emoto-sensei's finding on 'water crystal'.. At the same time, maybe Allah swt want to show His power, I came across a sentence about water as essence of creating living things in Al-Quran (21:30 = Surah Al-Anbiya, ayat 30)

I know a bit that human body contain almost 70% (maybe 80% ?) of water, & the rest is the solid matter.

Water is also known can exist in 3 types of matter; air, fluid, & solid - depend on the temperature & pressure around it. Surely this give influences to human body in human everyday life.

For example, I was really terrified of my oral exam - my body is programmed to sweat, body temperature will increased due to my heart beat getting faster. The more my heart beats, the more fuel is needed, & the more cooling fluid needed to stabilise the heat needed in my body. If it is uncontrollable in a long period (maybe an hour or two)...POOF, next thing i knew I'll be dehydrated.. My water supply in my body has been used up for cooling down & become sweat. Dehydrated? Certain part of my brain will receive the dehydrated info & send command to my throat & emotion part, saying that ' I'm thirsty'..

According to what I understand about Masaru Emoto-sensei book 'The Hidden Message in Water', water molecule can show certain pattern depend on its environment. Good, easy, friendly environment show beautiful water structure. On the other hand, polluted, bad environment show destroid water structure (eventhough what I can see is just the same, crystal clear water that being exposed in 2 different kind of environment)

Monday, July 21, 2008


Ok, i generally know that garlic (bwg putih) can be used as an antibiotic.. Not to mention 'bwg merah' (what do u call this one in English? :p) (it's shallot) also has it's medical benefits too..

shallot (English) or bawang Merah (Malay)

According to a book i read (i dunno wether i understand or not), it takes Ibnu Sina sayings..

The biji of bawang merah (i couldn't imagine which part of bwg merah eventhough i encounter this vege everyday in my campus life) can heal unpigmented skin & alopesia ( a disease that make the hair become lesser). Just rub the biji around the infected part.

Poison can be neutralised by using bwg merah with salt .

The bwg merah juice (hah?!) can be use to clean wound & if it is dihirup (inhaled? drinked?) with water it can clear up your head ( I don't think it's brain washing, that's for sure!). Moreover, it can be use as ear drop to clear up headache caused by high pressure, blocked ear due to different pressure, & ear infection..

ps: come to realise my english are getting worse day-by-day..

(= 0 =")

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Nak tukar bahasa sikit untuk kali ni.. (kucing dah bertanduk ka?)

Suatu maghrib, aku tgh baca Al-Quran dgn kakunya. Tiba-tiba, tak tau kenapa aku tergerak hati nak tulis ayat-ayat ni kat blog ni (yg mmg tak pernah ada yg baca)..

"..Sesungguhnya orang munafik itu hendak menipu Allah, tetapi Allah yang menipu mereka. Apabila mereka hendak berdiri untuk solat, mereka melakukan dengan malas. Mereka bermaksud untuk ria' (ingin dipuji) di hadapan manusia. Dan mereka tidak mengingat Allah kecuali sedikit sekali.." (Surah An-Nisa: 142)

"..Mereka dalam keadaan ragu antara yang demikian (iman atau kafir) tidak termasuk golongan ini (orang beriman) & tidak (pula) golongan itu (orang kafir). Barang siapa yang dibiarkan sesat oleh Allah, maka kamu tidak akan mendapatkan jalan (untuk memberi petunjuk) baginya.." (Surah An-Nisa: 143)

Aku rasa aku termasuk dalam golongan ni. Mau taknya, aku boleh pikir Islam tu dah ajar yang sesuai dgn naluri, & akui juga ajaran selain Islam itu menyimpang jauh..Tapi aku sendiri susah bukan main kalau nak kata slm kat sesama muslim (itu yg plg mudah).. Tambah lagi kuat ayat pertama aku ni bila aku ikut kawan aku ke satu pengajian ni.. kata guru tu,

"Kalau kamu nak lakukan suatu ibadah atau aktiviti, jgn fikir, 'aku takut org lain kata aku ria'..', sebenarnya pemikiran itu sendiri dah tunjuk bahawa kamu melakukannya untuk manusia bukan untuk Allah.."


Aku rasa Islam sebenarnya bukan ajar umat untuk jadi bebetul ekstrim (terserah la pada semua macam mana), tak mungkin juga kita boleh jadi malaikat yg tidak ada nafsu (mungkin jadi schizoid? - org ni tak suka dengan kegembiraan & lebih suka menyendiri. walaupun termasuk golongan masalah mental, tapi org ni tak membahayakan orang awam mcm org amuk).. Apa yg aku dapat, Islam ajar umatnya untuk bebas, tapi kawal nafsunya.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

characteristic of being in love

what do i want to blabber today..?


love.. it's beautiful, it's blind, & cannot be apart from human instict..

Wonderful for someone to find their soul partner for life (huh?!). But at times, they can be bored with their relationship (there's are some fact saying that longest couple relationship can last is 4 years). I was told the reason to the boredom is because human are imperfect.. (i didn't understand much about it but i heard it right)

also..." Allah swt never bored to give His but human always bored to ask Him.."

love..there's 8 characteristic show that one is in love (with Allah swt, Rasul saw, anyone, anything..)

  1. will always say the name the one he/she/it loves..
  2. will do anything to get by his/her/it side..
  3. will do anything for her/his/it to show his/her love..
  4. afraid of being left by him/her/it..
  5. always hope he/she/it will always love him/her..
  6. will do anything that his/her lover wants..
  7. will love anything that his'/her's/it's lover loves..
  8. fascinate by what the lover did to him/her..

the teacher said he got it from Ibnu Qayyum, "Orang yg merindu & mencintai.."

Sometimes i think that love is a wonderful thing.. but sometimes it saddens me.. that's why the Raihan's song say something like this, "why is it so bad?..when someone left u behind..when u fall in love with Allah swt.. Bonds of love survive.."

Monday, June 9, 2008

diabetes mellitus & cataract

Yesterday, i was told by a friend of mine that cataract can be cause by stacking of sorbitol in eye lens.. (i totally forgot about that when i learnt about cataract last time). yeah, in diabetes patient (usually), the glucose (which is highly concentrated in blood) will follow wherever blood go, even to eye. As eye has a small circulation there, so it can be converted by the enzyme there to become another glucose type called sorbitol. Sorbitol then interfere the lens cells, asking the cells to build up fiber.. these fiber cause ophtalmologist saw 'white thing' in lens (this is called 'opaque' in lens)

stroke & DM type 2.. stroke first then DM? or otherwise?

I got this case for presentation examination. Old guy, 3 hrs before admitted felt weak on right arm & leg, also cannot say a word right. (called it as aphasia?). 2 hs before, the weakness spread to his fingers & toes, making him even difficult to move whole hand & leg of right side. Also, his right face (if i wasn't mistaken) show grimace while his left side show nothing when ask to grim.. the lab result shows abnormal reading for glucose in blood, cholesterol & it fellow.. the physical examination show + pathologic reflex..uh.. I forgot most of the details.. Ah, he never follow the doctor's instruction to take medication..!

In my opinion, the guy's DM problem cause the stroke.. the long story, i don't exactly understand - that's cause my regret for the rest of my life ( i think.)..

Saturday, June 7, 2008

my childhood - almost a real story :3

this morning i was dreamin about my past..

When i was 5 or 6, i still drinking syrup in bottle.. I even talked to myself rather than to others. ALso, isay 'matomato' instead of 'tomato'..

then at 7, i remember during my teacher filling up the detail for me, she asked me to choose 3 type of my dream occupation; i choose as teacher, nurse, & stewardess (i know nothing about these job at that time, just think that these jobs were cool enough for me..)

as i reach 9, i remember my first day wearing scarf. It is because my teacher commented about my hair. I know she meant nothing, but I was so sensitive that i decided to wear scarf the next day.., & the habit (wearing scarf) goes on till today..

When I was appointed to be one of the school prefects, i was 'overjoyed', thinking that i will rule the school with 'claw'.. yeah, i beat the boys with thick plastic ruler, blast out emotion whenever any student done small mistake.. yeah, really stupid work I did there at that time.. that is what i may assume as'having power..

but i really bad in sports; i can't even finish running in 100m.. silly enough, i tripped myself during starting of jogathon, slipped my wrist though. I cried like my hand was pulled out.. (what a cry baby). I even didn't understand the word 'shy' untill one time while i was queue up during sport training in my primary school. I was stand behind a senior. When the teacher ask to straightened the line, without thinking twice, i hold the boy's shoulder. He whacked my hand, saying, "don't you feel ashame holding boys easily like that?!" angrily.. I just stood still, kind a shock.. at that time, i felt somethin that i can't even describe it..

then, at 13 i become so alienated with girls school at first.. no friends that i knew, i also understood that i'm in one of the best secondary school in the state.. I also knew that some of my friends even pass away due to an accident.. (one sided monkey-love, i assume).. THis time, i decided that i want to be a cartoonist, 'realising' that i have a gift of drawing Sailormoon.. (i think the drawing even not qualified enough to enter any contest nor just publishing it).. Still, no effort i did about it. Only know that my mum not so agree to it because it's meaningless to my future..

after PMR, i think i 'choose' to go on at the same school, taking all Sciences subjects (chemistry, biology, physics, add math).. being so proud, thinking my dad is a doc, i may proceed smoothly all the years.. Actually NO. Even a school mate who her father works NOT as doc doing better than me.. worse still, i was too eager to ask whatever i don't understand..

(there's a saying "the worse of people is when he doesn't know what he doesn't know")

after SPM, i was choosen to join PLKN in Sintok-UUM for 3 months. I learnt something besides love-your-country spirit; be open. I was so closed to myself until a team mate of mine cried just because i was like that..

today, i still regret one thing.. i'm in a place of other who is more suitable should be.. but as long as i breath, i must go on with the rest.. -.-


Sunday, May 25, 2008

white tiger & genetics

White tiger - this kind of tiger does interest me..

From a narration about white tiger, in a video site, it talks about error in genetic ... for me it is too random to know, but still can be only interpret. For example, mental retardation risk in a family. Depend on what kind of disease or syndrome, maybe depend on how many of the member of the big family that already have one, or maybe depend on the environment (medication toxicity, chemical toxicity,..), mental retardation in new generation may increase or decrease..

the main thing i want to say is.. before married, it is advisable for the couple to do a genetic checkup & have a genetic counseling if there's any.

I dunno wether hospital in Malaysia have it or not..? & I also dunno about the cost.

(reader: boring writing again..)

Saturday, May 24, 2008



this can be my first time hearing about this.. They can be very intelligent (like Albert Einstein, Darwin..) or they can be mentally retarded..

This kind of disorder is about language problem; they cannot speak up what they think in their mind, but they expressed in other way round. Usually this disorder detected around 3 yrs old or before.Kid With Doll interestingly, in Sally & Anne test show autism child has bad imagination of themself in a situation than normal child..?

1st year baby can cry or make sound, but babies with autism usually more quite.. (careful if any babies are to be so quite).

Child with this disorder usually avoid eye contact when communicate. He/she is also more like 'tape recorder'; if u ask him/her "what's your name?", he/she will instead say "what's your name?".

this child more fond to play on their own, & can be easily irritated if their environment changes (example; shift to new house..)..

Why this happen? it can be almost anything.. but recently known that there are problem with decreasing numbers of neurons, maybe increasing numbers of non-neuron cells in temporal area (the head area little above from the ears)..This area known to be responsible for normal behavior..

reminds me of someone.. Scientist

Thursday, May 15, 2008

emotion disorder (2)

...strength.. is what i need now..strength of will..

imagine a wire that being connected to a power supply, cut into 2..Then put the 2 end in a pool. Start the power supply..You'll still get conduction of electric.. to proove it, try to dip your hand, you'll feelelectrocuted (& next thing u know you might be black out)..

Same goes to the neurons conduction in our body.. neuron need something to bring the information (impulse) to the target, & something is called..neurotransmitters. DEpend on the part of body, different neurotransmitter emit different information (wether the info tell to add on or to slow down)..

Disturbances at this connection, especially around the brain area that control emotion will cause emotion problem.. That's crying for no reason, happy for no reason, laugh while telling sad stories, 'amuk'..

huh, one more thing.. Counting cell is REALLY A TOUGH JOB. Gotta be very patient to handle it..

while i was on a trip to a heroin treatment clinic in a hospital, i remembered the past..

Sunday, May 11, 2008

mood and personality

eh? IronMan? Speed Racer? Aah, I want to watch them..!Please

(who am i begging to?!)

Also, Mother's Day already?! MaMa, I love you, but i didn't dare to say it because i was too ego..(hah?!) (everytime i imagine saying this to my mum, i'll burst into tears.. Cry Baby

so much for that..

This time having hard time to understand mood disorder & personality disorder. When people having problem about their way of thought, 2 person might give a help; psychologist or psychiatrist.. Personality problem can bring to mood problem if it isn't well controlled. It cannot easily proved by just laboratory test for blood, urine, etc. When facing with this kind of person, depend on the situation.. but important to remember that PATIENT in our heart must exist.

People want to be accepted by their society around them (friends, neighbours,..) that they might tend to do something that might totally out of mind..that might be one of causes. Next cause is their family. Every education starts at home (this refer to the core family). Working parents tend to make their time at home less than their working place. Mother event not bother (or maybe troubled) to breast fed their baby, causing the baby to loss his/her sense of knowing his/her mother. (Actually, what am i trying to write..?)

Thursday, May 1, 2008


parkinson's disease..old age.. shaking (tremor)Chattering..

it's not as easy, but what i know it happen when GABA (a type of neurotransmitter) become decrease because of destruction of its source, the substantia nigra in midbrain..Learn more on basal Ganglia..

actually, not only the old people can have parkinson - it can be true for the teenagers, who's using some drugs (i had to refer back to the book about what drug/s was it). The drug's side effect are what the doctor called parkinson syndrome (so, the teenage have symptoms like the old people with parkinsons)

scared..i cannot run away from problem..but still i'm thinking of running away instead of fighting it with solution..Wet

death, is just a matter of God & time..

No wonder Islam ask it followers to always be prepared..

Saturday, April 19, 2008

neuron & blood supply

...where should i start..?
Stroke.. this one has no symptom..
This time it is dealing with the blood supply to the brain. I was informed that this one have 2 types; the hemorrhage type (cause blood vessel burst & the patient died immediately) & .... (uhm, o forgot, but this one will lowering function of movement starting from legs, then spread to arms & hands, then the fingers feel no sensation if it touches something, followed by facial problem.. ask the patient to smile or grin, & you see asymmetric (unequal-shape) smile)
There's lots of cause: unknown, hypertension (blood pressure reading above 120/80mmHg?), bad diet(high fat, low fibers..), smoking,...
In the 2nd type, it happen because of neuron sensitivity to supply...
Neuron will immediately die if they are lack of oxygen & glucose (mainly).. when one die, nothing can be seen, but when a group or maybe even large group of death, the area cannot do it's work, & there'll be 'power failure' to the part the area supply.. Just like the main generator is being destroyed, & no power supply goes to the area they supply. When there's no supply, how to move the area to life?

Thursday, April 10, 2008

blurred vision; procrastinate

When i open my profile today.. there is something makes me rethink back...
Before today, i came across an information board, & there's an article that made me stop for a while to read it.. there is a sentences saying something like this,
"it is funny that, when you get a chain letter, you forward it without even think, but when it comes to advices & reminders, you really in doubt to forward it to your friends..."

i knew that i'm that kind of person... -.-

hmm, more pranks to share..
eye are really something.. blurred vision could be anything; glaucoma, cataract, refraction problem (far sight, near sight, astigmatism..), depend on the capability to repair by using spectacles.. if the view cannot be corrected, then it might be something else that bothers.. generally known, lens in eye will thickened by age.. the older, the thicker it became.. this is because it never sheath it's 'skin', but instead it will stack it with the new layer..

My situation today reminds me of a saying (is it?)
" ...a very busy person at one time shows that he cannot really manage his time properly.."
because at first he get the job, he procrastinate it till the last seconds.. when the dateline are few hours away, that's the time he will become so busy to do it..
Even i know it, did i change?
Still, my truthful answer is NO..

Monday, March 31, 2008

balance system a.k.a. vestibular system

hmm.. body balance is controlled by ear (huh?!), specifically the innermost part, the vestibule component.

Vestibule itself contain 3 tubes, 3 ampulles(some bulging part at the end of each tube), & a sac that combine these 3 tubes called utricle..

in each ampulla, there's a small brush-like structures, covered in gel. this structure receive any movement of the 'brush' & convert it to electric impulse to be sent to the brain. on top of the gel is a group of crystals called otolith crystals. Any movement will drag the gel & the crystal toward the direction of movement..

imagine the coyote in the bugs bunny series.. there is a part where he run with his body first, leaving his head still at the place where he stand (making his neck stretch). then after a few second, his head follow his body direction.. this is how otolith crystals works, assuming the crystals is the coyote's head. When the gel is moved to front, for example, at first the crystals still in its initial place. they follow the movement after a microseconds..

(soo much for pranks :p)

could not stop wondering the reason betahistin exist in the case but no such word in most major references.. what i could get is vertigo itself consist of 2 major types; physiology (sea sick, car sick, height sick) & pathology (disturbances in the part itself)

in pathology type, there are several types under this. some that i know is Meniere syndrome (or Meniere disease?!) which characterise by tinnitus (sound in ear, maybe sound like 'ngiiiiiiing'?!). This one mainly because of overproduction of the fluid (called endolymph), causing the space around vestibule component become dense (i understand this today- 01-04-2008).

in this type, the patient is given medicine like promethazine and anti nausea (?). Worse, diazepam is given, but this one cause the patient to go to sleep instead of enable to do everyday work.. this is where the betahistin exist, eventhough the real mechanism is still in debate (?). From what i understand, betahistin has small effect of histamine, that it might provoke asthma in asthma users..

Other is Benign Paroxysm Peripheral Vertigo (BPPV), which characterise by one-sided vertigo when on certain position (easiest to detect during sleep on one side). This type occurs because of some particles otoliths crystal are apart from it's place (usually they float in the posterior tube). This one, when in mild condition, is treated using a group of movements called Epley maneuver. This is done to 'bring back the crystal to it's place' (Is it? I dunno, but almost sound like that.. :p). I also pass through a sentence saying that Meniere disease could be the cause of BPPV

(Reader: what on earth is she writing about?!)

Sunday, March 16, 2008

first impression on nervous system

when someone say neuro system, the first word come to my mind is.. neuron! From a very small neuron, when it joins with its kind, modify itself to certain shape & size in order to suit with its environment, TA DAH!! there is a system. (Hah..?!)

maybe because my first impression about this system is ... AHHH, SO TOUGH!! EVEN WORSE than REproductive SYstem, i really have a bad time getting through this time..

overall, it is actually interesting when u know it well.. For me, nervous system is almost like wiring in home or in a robot or cyborg. When any of the cable part is being damaged or being blocked (how can it be blocked in real wire?! fused? burn?), no conduction occur, so no work is done on the part that connect to the wiring. But in human, when this occur, it brings to manifestation from 'ant biting' feeling to paralysis.. (really?!) (Me: Dunno...?)

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


when human are growing from baby to adult, there're lots of hormones (also factors) working together..(either to inhibit or to stimulate). Not only Growth hormone.. It is not as easy as i learn hypothalamus-hypophysis-gonad axis..

kinda forget how to differentiate the source of growth problem before recommending d patient to do lab test.