Sorry it's been a while i left the blog writing.. Actually, i'm stunned to see the progress of blog writing society - not only the outstanding layer, but also informative and do have great impact to society, whether good or bad.
I had a little interest on disease that involve the intestine/bowel (the malay call it as usus)- yup, a part involves in processing the food that we eat into energy so that we can do our routine job.
Little about the bowel - it divides into 2 main type; the small one, which connect to the stomach, and the large one, which brings the processed food (known as chyme (ka-im) ) to the buttock (to be exact, the rectum). The small bowel itself has 3 parts - duodenum, jejunum, & ileum. The large bowel has about 5 parts - cecum (including the appendix), ascend, transverse, descend, and the sigmoid.
The bowel main function is to absorb water and nutrition in the food. It does have several machinary that helps the absorption more effective - 'grinding' (i could not think of any better word) the food by contraction using the muscle in it, secretes mucus to smoothen the pathway... Also, the surface itself have smaller foldings to give more surface contact with the chyme.
The disease that i mean here is called Inflammatory Bowel Disease. It is still unknown who starts this, but some suspect are investigated; from genetics to lifestyles.
Eventhough this disease is rarely found & only be told by doctor after all diarrhea treatments are failed, but it can be a trigger to bowel cancer if it is not treated properly.